Wildlife Education with WCA

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  • Wildlife Education with WCA
Our Ambassador Program is on hold until we have more ambassador animals.
Wildlife Care Association is dedicated to the rehabilitation and release of local orphaned and injured wildlife. We are also dedicated to educating the public about local wildlife, wildlife habitats, ecology, biology and much more. We strive to foster appreciation and respect for wildlife, and for the environment that serves as home to the animals living around us.


Our experienced wildlife educators are available to provide lively and informative presentations to your school or group.

All presentations are tailored to meet your needs or curriculum, and can include:

» Age-specific activities and/or stories related to wildlife
» Identifying and appreciating wildlife in the Sacramento area
» Natural history and behavior of local wildlife
» Laws and regulations protecting wildlife and the environment
» Rehabilitation of injured and orphaned wild animals
» Volunteer opportunities with Wildlife Care Association

When appropriate, live educational animals offer an up-close view of some of the species which frequent the Sacramento Valley. We currently have programs featuring birds of prey and reptiles.

Presentations are approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour and include both a talk and a question and answer session. We do not charge a fee for our programs, but we gladly accept donations of any of any amount, including materials (see our WishList for needed items). 100% of your donation goes directly to the care of local wildlife.

To inquire about an Education Presentation with the WCA Ambassador Animals, please contact us at [email protected].