
We Care For Over 7,000 Animals A Year

We rely on the generosity of the public (and a couple of small grants) to care for the sick, orphaned, and injured animals that come to our facility.

Wildlife Care Association (WCA) is a non-profit, independent, volunteer-based association in Sacramento that is permitted by the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to care for wildlife.

Since its inception, Wildlife Care Association has been rescuing and rehabilitating wild animals that are dropped off by concerned citizens and public agencies. We currently receive more than six thousand animals each year and our work is entirely supported by your donations.

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Concerned citizens and other agencies bring us over 6,000 sick, orphaned, and injured animals each year. With the help of volunteers, staff, and local vets, WCA provides medical services to these animals. Once the animals have recovered from their injuries or illness, or have grown and learned to hunt and fend for themselves, they are released into the wild, giving them a second chance at life.

At present, County and City Animal Care and Regulation, S.P.C.A., veterinary clinics, zoos, Department of Fish and Game, and many other state and county facilities are unable to care for confiscated, displaced injured or orphaned wildlife. Wildlife Care Association currently provides a necessary service to these agencies that acquire wildlife from the public and will continue to do so.

In the early years some of the prominent naturalists in the Sacramento area, such as MB Goodier, Effie Yeaw, and William B. Pond, were very active and worked hard to establish the Wildlife Care Association as an important community service organization. It was incorporated on May 18, 1978. On September 10, 1981, Wildlife Care Association became a Federal Exempt 501c(3) non-profit community service organization, although it had been in existence since 1975.

Wildlife Care Association is also a proud member of the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association which celebrated their 25th Anniversary in March of 2007.


Wildlife Care Association, Inc. is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of local wildlife. WCA is committed to educating and instructing the community in the respect, appreciation, and care of local wildlife. WCA is pledged to the management and preservation of wildlife habitat.



Debby has been a member of WCA since 1991 and has served on the Board of Directors since 1992. Debby has been involved in every facet of the organization and puts in an incredible about of time and energy volunteering for Wildlife Care. She is WCA’s species manager for Raptors and all mammals except squirrels and also teaches some of the classes offered by WCA.

Debby joined the educational outreach program in 1994 and is currently the Education Team Leader. She currently is the caretaker of WCA’s Ambassador Great Horned Owl, Nala, who was found tangled in a barbed-wire fence in 1996 and has been with WCA ever since.


Doug is the caretaker of and has been presenting Ivory the (white) American Crow and Yellow-billed Magpies, Noah, who passed away in 2010, and Peanut, since 2006.

Doug has been rehabilitating wild birds since 2003 and has many experiences he can share with the public, thus, encouraging them to do what they can to help preserve the environment and wildlife.

Ivory, the American Crow, came to WCA in May, 2006. Due to her coloring, she was not accepted by other crows and would not be able to survive in the wild without the family support of other crows.

Peanut, the Yellow-billed Magpie, came to WCA in late 2011.


Theresa Bielawski

Vice President

Kathy Webb

Laura Nickerson

Members at Large
Lisa Burns
Lisa Malijan
Jody L. Ulich



All meetings are subject to change at any given time based on circumstances. We will do our best to keep the website updated regarding any changes. Closed board meetings are not open to the public.

Please note: The Board of Directors is a decision-making body of elected members. They make decisions regarding the high-level operations of Wildlife Care Association.

Please RSVP via email if you plan to attend a Board of Directors meeting at [email protected].
Every WCA BOD meeting follows a pre-planned business agenda. If you have a subject you would like to be added to the agenda, you must send your detailed request in writing, via email, AT LEAST 2 WEEKS IN ADVANCE of the scheduled board meeting to [email protected]. The board will review your request to determine if the subject meets the business requirements of the meeting. You will be notified of approval/denial up to 48 hours preceding the requested meeting.